Report Bugs
For our open source users, the following tools for reporting bugs and issues are available. If you are interested in commercial support from PowerDNS engineers following strict SLAs, please contact us.
Public Bug Tracker
Bugs can be reported via GitHub. When filing bugs, please include details on:
- The PowerDNS version you are using
- What backends you use (gMySQL, BIND etc)
- If you are using DNSSEC
- Operating system it is running on
- Where you got the binary from, i.e. did you compile it yourself (which compiler, including version), from your distribution or ports tree etc
- What is going wrong
- What you did, or somebody else did, that causes things to go wrong
- What you expect to happen (many problems are in fact wrong expectations, and not bugs)
- ANYTHING else that might be relevant, like load balancers, strange hardware, firewall rules, etc.
Please note: filing bugs according to the above rules on our public(!) GitHub is the only way we can provide support to open source users.
Mailing Lists
If you are unsure if your issue is a bug, please join the mailing lists and explain your problem (please always include the same details as listed in the section Public Bug Tracker). Together with the PowerDNS Community, we are glad to help you. There are three public mailing lists, two of which you can post messages on:
- pdns-users - general discussions on compiling, using and deploying PowerDNS.
Subscribe, Archive - pdns-announce - announcements of new versions, security problems etc
Subscribe, Archive - dnsdist - to discuss the use and development of DNSdist
Subscribe, Archive
Security Relevant Issues
To report security relevant issues, please refer to our security policy and specifically do NOT report your security issue on GitHub (thanks)!
Product Enhancements
PowerDNS is open source software and although we already provide a large set of features, it may be that functionality you need is not part of PowerDNS. Product enhancements are often contributed by third parties, which is one of the wonderful features of being an open source project. If your organization wants to contribute a feature, please reach out to us so we can coordinate.
If you would like PowerDNS to consider your suggestions for specific product features, please let us know what you have in mind and why you think this would be beneficial for the product.
Many (large) developments in PowerDNS are funded by operators, who wanted to expedite the authoring of the features they needed. Should your organization want to fund specific expedited PowerDNS developments, please contact us and we can discuss if we can fit you into our road map. We want to clarify that feature requests are always welcome and will always be considered, but that the speed of implementation can be influenced by funding development. Please note that funded enhancements to our open source products will have to become part of the open source product.