Licenses for PowerDNS Protect
PowerDNS Protect Middleware - Used 3rd party libraries
Apache License, Version 2.0
- request v2.85.0
- request v2.88.0
- firebase-admin v5.12.0
- mongodb v3.0.7
- prom-client v11.5.3
The MIT license
- apn v2.2.0
- babel-preset-env v1.6.1
- babel/preset-env v7.5.5
- babel-register v6.26.0
- babel/register v7.5.5
- babel/core v7.5.5
- bcrypt v2.0.1
- body-parser v1.18.2
- cookie-parser v1.4.3
- cookie-parser v1.4.4
- dateformat v3.0.3
- express-session v1.15.6
- express v4.16.3
- express v4.17.1
- express-prom-bundle v5.1.5
- express-session v1.16.2
- express v4.17.1
- fs-extra v6.0.0
- fs-extra v8.1.0
- helmet v3.12.0
- helmet v3.20.0
- ip v1.1.5
- js-yaml v3.11.0
- js-yaml v3.13.1
- morgan v1.9.0
- morgan v1.9.1
- node-gettext v2.0.0
- nodemailer v4.6.4
- normalize.css v8.0.0
- pg v7.4.3
- pg v7.12.1
- pug v2.0.3
- serve-favicon v2.5.0
- underscore v1.9.0
- uuid v3.2.1
- validator v10.1.0
- validator v11.1.0
- types/express-session v1.15.13
- types/express v4.17.0
- types/request-promise-native v1.0.16
- types/sequelize v4.28.4
- advisory-lock v1.1.1
- ansi-colors v4.1.1
- api-spec-converter v2.9.1
- async-parallel v1.2.3
- bytes v3.1.0
- connect-session-sequelize v6.0.0
- jimp v0.6.4
- load-grunt-tasks v4.0.0
- lodash v4.17.15
- sequelize v4.44.0
- swagger-ui-express v4.0.7
- umzug v2.2.0
- cheerio v1.0.0-rc.3
ISC License
- request-promise-native v1.0.5
- request-promise-native v1.0.7
- semver v6.3.0
GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3.0
- pm2 v2.10.1
- pm2 v3.5.1
Additional Licenses
- qs v6.7.0 (BSD-3-Clause License)
- terser v4.1.4 (BSD-2-Clause License)
- random-number-csprng v1.0.2 (WTFPL License)
PowerDNS Protect Notification Center API and Database - Used 3rd party libraries
Apache License, Version 2.0
- classmate v1.3.4
- jackson-annotations v2.8.0
- jackson-core v2.8.11
- jackson-databind v2.8.11.1
- jackson-dataformat-yaml v2.8.11
- jackson-jaxrs-base v2.8.11
- jackson-jaxrs-json-provider v2.8.11
- jackson-module-jaxb-annotations v2.8.11
- google-api-client v1.23.0
- google-api-client-gson v1.23.0
- proto-google-cloud-firestore-v1beta1 v0.1.28
- proto-google-common-protos v1.0.4
- proto-google-iam v1:0.1.28
- google-api-services-storage v1-rev114-1.23.0
- auto-value v1.2
- jsr305 v3.0.1
- gson v2.3.1
- json-simple v1.1.1
- libphonenumber v6.2
- error_prone_annotations v2.1.2
- guava v18.0
- google-http-client v1.23.0
- google-http-client-appengine v1.23.0
- google-http-client-gson v1.23.0
- google-http-client-jackson v1.23.0
- google-http-client-jackson2 v1.23.0
- instrumentation-api v0.4.3
- google-oauth-client v1.23.0
- hazelcast v3.9.3
- hazelcast-spring v3.9.3
- commons-beanutils v1.9.3
- commons-codec v1.10
- commons-collections v3.2.2
- commons-io v2.4
- feign-core v8.18.0
- feign-jackson v8.18.0
- opencsv v4.1
- metrics-spring v3.1.3
- hibernate-types-52 v2.1.1
- HikariCP v2.5.1
- spring-boot-admin-client v1.5.7
- spring-boot-admin-starter-client v1.5.7
- metrics-annotation v3.1.5
- metrics-core v3.1.5
- metrics-healthchecks v3.1.5
- grpc-auth v1.9.0
- grpc-context v1.9.0
- grpc-core v1.9.0
- grpc-netty v1.9.0
- grpc-protobuf v1.9.0
- grpc-protobuf-lite v1.9.0
- grpc-stub v1.9.0
- netty-buffer v4.1.19.Final
- netty-codec v4.1.19.Final
- netty-codec-http2 v4.1.19.Final
- netty-codec-http v4.1.19.Final
- netty-codec-socks v4.1.19.Final
- netty-common v4.1.19.Final
- netty-handler v4.1.19.Final
- netty-handler-proxy v4.1.19.Final
- netty-resolver v4.1.19.Final
- netty-tcnative-boringssl-static v2.0.7.Final
- netty-transport v4.1.19.Final
- opencensus-api v0.10.0
- opencensus-contrib-grpc-metrics v0.10.0
- springfox-bean-validators v2.8.0
- springfox-core v2.8.0
- springfox-schema v2.8.0
- springfox-spi v2.8.0
- springfox-spring-web v2.8.0
- springfox-swagger2 v2.8.0
- springfox-swagger-common v2.8.0
- springfox-swagger-ui v2.8.0
- swagger-annotations v1.5.18
- swagger-core v1.5.18
- swagger-jaxrs v1.5.18
- swagger-models v1.5.18
- swagger-parser v1.0.34
- validation-api v1.1.0.Final
- joda-time v2.7
- commons-lang3 v3.7
- commons-text v1.1
- httpclient v4.5
- httpcore v4.4.1
- taglibs-standard-impl v1.2.5
- taglibs-standard-spec v1.2.5
- freemarker v2.3.28
- hibernate-validator v5.3.6.Final
- javassist v3.21.0-GA
- jandex v2.0.3.Final
- jboss-logging v3.3.2.Final
- jolokia-core v1.3.7
- liquibase-core v3.5.5
- mapstruct v1.2.0.Final
- apache-el v8.0.33
- apache-jsp v8.5.24.2
- jetty-alpn-agent v2.0.7
- spring-boot v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-actuator v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-autoconfigure v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-configuration-processor v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter-actuator v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter-aop v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter-data-jpa v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter-jdbc v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter-logging v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter-mail v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter-security v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter-tomcat v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter-validation v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-boot-starter-web v1.5.11.RELEASE
- spring-cloud-commons v1.1.9.RELEASE
- spring-cloud-config-client v1.2.3.RELEASE
- spring-cloud-context v1.1.9.RELEASE
- spring-data-commons v1.13.11.RELEASE
- spring-data-jpa v1.11.11.RELEASE
- spring-plugin-core v1.2.0.RELEASE
- spring-plugin-metadata v1.2.0.RELEASE
- spring-security-config v4.2.5.RELEASE
- spring-security-core v4.2.5.RELEASE
- spring-security-crypto v4.2.5.RELEASE
- spring-security-web v4.2.5.RELEASE
- spring-aop v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-aspects v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-beans v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-context v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-context-support v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-core v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-expression v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-jdbc v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-orm v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-tx v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-web v4.3.15.RELEASE
- spring-webmvc v4.3.15.RELEASE
- log4j-over-slf4j v1.7.25
- snakeyaml v1.17
- byte-buddy v1.7.9
- jackson-core-asl v1.9.11
The MIT license
- java-jwt v3.3.0
- pushy v0.12.0
- jopt-simple v4.6
- lombok v1.16.20
- jcl-over-slf4j v1.7.25
- jul-to-slf4j v1.7.25
- slf4j-api v1.7.25
- slf4j-ext v1.7.25
Eclipse Public License, Version 1
- junit v4.12
- aspectjrt v1.8.13
- aspectjtools v1.8.13
- aspectjweaver v1.8.13
- hibernate-jpa-2.1-api v1.0.0.Final
- hibernate-jpa-2.1-api v1.0.0.Final
- ecj v3.12.3
Lesser General Public License, Version 3
- hibernate-commons-annotations v5.0.1.Final
- hibernate-core v5.2.15.Final
- hibernate-entitymanager v5.2.15.Final
- hibernate-jpamodelgen v5.2.15.Final
BSD License
- antlr v2.7.7
- gax v1.16.0
- gax-grpc v1.16.0
- gax-httpjson v0.33.0
- google-auth-library-credentials v0.9.0
- google-auth-library-oauth2-http v0.9.0
- hamcrest-core v1.3
- asm v6.0
- asm-commons v6.0
- asm-tree v6.0
- postgresql v42.2.2
- reflections v0.9.11
- api-common v1.2.0
GNU General Public License, Version 2 + Common Development and Distribution License
- aopalliance-repackaged v2.5.0-b32
- javax.inject v2.5.0-b32
- hk2-api v2.5.0-b32
- hk2-locator v2.5.0-b32
- hk2-utils v2.5.0-b32
- osgi-resource-locator v1.0.1
- javax.el v3.0.0
- jersey-guava v2.25.1
- jersey-container-servlet v2.25.1
- jersey-container-servlet-core v2.25.1
- jersey-client v2.25.1
- jersey-common v2.25.1
- jersey-server v2.25.1
- jersey-media-jaxb v2.25.1
- javax.annotation-api v1.2
- javax.el-api v3.0.0
- javax.mail v1.5.6
- mysql-connector-java v8.0.9-rc
- jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec v1.0.1.Final
- mailapi v1.4.3
- v2.0.1
Lesser General Public License, Version 3 + The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- btf v1.2
- jackson-coreutils v1.8
- json-schema-core v1.2.5
- json-schema-validator v2.2.6
- msg-simple v1.1
- uri-template v0.9
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 + Eclipse Public License, Version 1
- apache-jsp v9.4.9.v20180320
- apache-jstl v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-annotations v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-client v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-deploy v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-http v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-io v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-jaas v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-jndi v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-plus v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-runner v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-security v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-server v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-servlet v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-start v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-util v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-webapp v9.4.8.v20171121
- jetty-xml v9.4.9.v20180320
- jetty-schemas v3.1
- websocket-api v9.4.9.v20180320
- websocket-client v9.4.9.v20180320
- :websocket-common v9.4.9.v20180320
- websocket-server v9.4.9.v20180320
- websocket-servlet v9.4.9.v20180320
Eclipse Public License, Version 1 +GNU General Public License, Version 2
- logback-classic v1.1.11
- logback-core v1.1.11
Additional Licenses
- protobuf-java v3.5.1 (BSD-3-Clause License)
- protobuf-java-util v3.5.1 (BSD-3-Clause License)
- threetenbp v1.3.3 (BSD-3-Clause License)
- activation v1.1 (Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL))
- mailapi v1.4.3 (Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL))
- v2.0.1 (Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL))
- org.jvnet:animal-sniffer-annotation v1.0 (Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL))
- json v20140107 (The JSON License)
- javassist v3.21.0-GA (Lesser GNU Public License) + (MPL v1.1)
- rhino v1.7R4 (MPL v1.1)
- reflections v0.9.11 (WTFPL License)
- google-cloud-core v1.15.0 (Google Cloud Software License)
- google-cloud-core-grpc v1.15.0 (Google Cloud Software License)
- google-cloud-core-http v1.15.0 (Google Cloud Software License)
- google-cloud-firestore v0.33.0-beta (Google Cloud Software License)
- google-cloud-storage v1.15.0 (Google Cloud Software License)
- firebase-admin v5.9.0 (Commercial)
- dom4j v1.6.1 (No licenses)
- swagger-validator v1.0.5 (No license found)
PowerDNS Documentation
Copyright © 2022 B.V., All documentations are the intellectual property of B.V., The documentations may be copied in whole or in part, provided that each copy contains this copyright notice. B.V., the authors and the translators are not liable for possible errors and their consequences. B.V. generally follows the spelling conventions of the manufacturers. The reproduction of brand names, trade names, logos, etc. in this book (even without special marking) does not justify the assumption that such names can be considered free (for the purposes of trademark and brand name regulations).